Partners & Friends
We wanted a place to share some of our friends and what they are doing. The Fallible Man is a place for community and since you have already met many of them we wanted them to have a place here at home instead of just on our podcast notes. Check them out!
Oliver Marcelle - Denoli LLC
Oliver and his wife Denise host the Trade Secrets Podcast and a few more shows. They are marriage and relationship coaches as well. Oliver and Denise have been on the show more than once and I consider them friends.
Check them out here: https://www.denoli.org/
Saving Innocence
Saving Innocence is an organization that fights to end child sex trafficking. They are advocates, counselors and spokes people to end this horrific crime. We did a multishow series with them and want to share with the world what they do. They don't just fight for them, they help rehabilitae and train survivors for life after trafficking. Find them here:
Read the book and find more on it here:
And know that any "Not on My Watch" Items on our shop, all proceeds got to Saving innocence or you can donate directly here: https://savinginnocence.org/donate/
Dr. Christian Heim
Award winning clinical psychiatrist and public speaker Dr. Christian Heim has been on our programs multiple times now. Dr. Heim is sharing amazing insights in preventative mental health. Don't miss out on this! you can find him here: https://www.drchristianheim.com/
Gene Valentino
Gene is a podcaster with such a deep background that is unreal. Gene and I talked about why men should get involved with politics but it is just the tip of the iceburg for what Gene has to say. Check out gene here: www.genevalentino.com
Dai Mauel
Dai is an incredible, well everything. He is just one of those people who picks goals and pursues them until he gets there. Dai is a Coach, Author, Speaker and entrepreneur. Building a very successful business he walked away in pursuit of helping people. I can't say enough about my friend and Coach. For more information go to : https://www.daimanuel.com/
David Pasqulaone
David is a fellow podcaster and entrepreneur. David is in marketing and many other buisness but we love hime for his kindred spirit as much as anything else. David shares incredible stories with the world the The Remarkable People Podcast For more information go to : https://davidpasqualone.com/