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Life Amplified: 45 Cheat Codes for Intentional Living that I wish I knew at 25

Writer: D Brent DowlenD Brent Dowlen

Life Amplified: 45 Revelations for Intentional Living that I wish I knew at 25 Blog Header Image of a Pair of work boots standing in front of the word wisdom sprayed in the dirt

As I celebrate my 45th birthday this week, I find myself reflecting on the journey that's brought me here. It's been a wild ride, filled with ups and downs, triumphs and failures. But through it all, I've learned some valuable lessons that I wish I'd known when I was 25. So, buckle up, gentlemen. I'm about to share 45 cheat codes for life that could save you years of trial and error.

(Below is the complete set of all 46 original items as shared on the The Fallible Man Podcast, Unlike the episode where they were in no particular order I used ChatGPT to categorized into logical groups. Each item retains its full original description exactly as given, no content changes, just more organized)

Mindset and Personal Growth

  1. Morning Routines are Less about Routine and More about Starting with Wins

    The real power of a morning routine isn't in the structure itself—it's about setting the tone for your day by stacking small wins early. This creates momentum that carries you forward.

  2. Discipline, Humility, and Work Ethic are Superpowers

    These are the ultimate life hacks. When you master them, you can achieve anything, regardless of talent or circumstances.

  3. Define Your Why – This is the Core That Will Carry You

    Knowing your ‘why’ gives you the clarity and motivation to push through obstacles. It’s your anchor when life gets tough, and your compass when you feel lost.

  4. Growth is Rarely Accompanied by Joy and Celebration

    Growth often comes with discomfort, sacrifice, and challenges. It’s not always a fun process, but it’s necessary. The rewards come later when you’ve built something lasting.

  5. Create a Life by Design, Not Default

    Too many people live their lives by default, reacting to circumstances instead of actively creating the life they want. Take control of your destiny by designing your future rather than letting life happen to you.

  6. Keep Learning, Keep Asking Questions, Never Stop Learning

    The most successful people are lifelong learners. Never stop growing, asking questions, and seeking new knowledge. The world is always evolving, and so should you.

  7. Personal Responsibility Is a Force Multiplier

    Taking full responsibility for your actions, your outcomes, and your life is the ultimate power move. When you own your decisions, you control your future.

  8. Happiest People Are Givers, Not Takers

    True happiness comes from giving, whether it’s your time, resources, or support. Givers create stronger connections, and their lives are richer for it.

  9. Get Up and Be What You Want Everybody Else to Be

    If you want honesty, kindness, or ambition from others, be the example. People mirror your actions more than your words, so lead by example.

  10. You Can think yourself through 90% of All Situations

    No amount of hard work can make up for a bad plan. If your strategy is flawed, no amount of effort will lead to the results you desire. However you can logic, reason and recalculate your way to a solution for most problems if you remove the emotion from it.

  11. You Get Tested the Most When You’re About to Level Up

    Challenges often appear right before you make your biggest leap. Don’t be discouraged; these tests are proof that you’re on the verge of something bigger.

  12. Who You Are is More Important Than What You Have

    At the end of the day, your character is what people will remember. The cars, the house, the money—they come and go. But who you are as a person leaves a lasting impact.

  13. Do Not Be Great at Something You Hate – Life Is Too Short

    Don’t waste time being exceptional at something that doesn’t bring you joy or fulfillment. Life is short, so focus your energy on things that align with your passions and values.

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Time, Focus, and Productivity

  1. Time and Attention Are the Most Valuable Commodities in the World – Spend It Wisely

    Time is finite. Attention is even more scarce. Every moment you spend is a moment you’ll never get back. Be intentional about where you focus your energy.

  2. If It Takes Less Than 2 Minutes, Do It Now

    This simple rule can drastically improve your productivity. Small tasks that seem insignificant can pile up, so handle them as soon as they come up and free your mind for more important things.

  3. Don’t Manage Time, You Manage Energy

    Time is always moving forward totally out of control, no matter what you do, you will have less in a few minutes, but your energy fluctuates. Focus on managing your emotional and mental energies on things that matter and time will not be an issue

  4. If You Aren’t Turning Down Things That Excite You, Then You’re Not Focused Enough on Something That Matters

    Opportunities are everywhere, and if you’re not saying ‘no’ to most of them, you’re not prioritizing what truly matters. Focus on your top goals, and everything else will fall into place.

  5. Work First and Get It Done – Play Later When You Have Nothing Pulling You Back to Work

    Focus on productivity first. When you’ve earned your free time through focused work, you’ll enjoy it more because you won’t be distracted by the things left undone.

  6. Spend Money to Save Time

    Time is your most precious asset. Sometimes, it’s worth spending money to free up time—whether that’s outsourcing tasks, using services that save you hours, or buying tools that make life easier.

  7. 90% of the Results Will Come from the Last 10% of Your Work

    The final stretch of any project or goal is often the hardest but yields the greatest rewards. Focus on finishing strong, because that’s where success truly lies.

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Health and Wellness

  1. The Secret to Health is free. Move, Lift, Sunshine, Water, farm fresh food and Air

    These things don’t cost anything and are the best things for a long, energetic life. Movement is the fountain of youth. Lift weights, Walk, Stand, Breath fresh air, spend ample time in the sunlight, walk barefoot in the grass and eat non processed foods. The health and food industries are a scam and are only out to make money, they poison us all day long to make bigger profits, We have a pharmaceutical company that has never cured anything in over 100 years of business, why, it not profitable to cure anyone.

Career and Skills Development

  1. 3 Skill Sets Combined will Set You Up for Life – Communication, Marketing, and Sales

    Master these three skills, and you’ll have the tools to navigate nearly every challenge in life—from advancing in your career to building your own business. I wish I had known to focus on these skills early on.

  2. Build First – Everything Else Will Fall Into Place – Build Self, Build Wealth, Build Your Goals

    Before you focus on anything else, focus on building yourself—your mindset, your health, your skill sets. When you’re in a position of strength, everything else aligns naturally. Women and “fun” will distract you and possibly waylay your life early on because you will fall into the same trap that gets most people.

  3. A Good Coach is a Cheat Button – They Can Save You Decades

    A coach can fast-track your success by helping you avoid mistakes and providing the tools and wisdom you might spend years figuring out on your own. Don’t be afraid to seek guidance from someone who’s already done it.

  4. Take Advice from People Who Have Gotten the Results You Want in Life

    There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Seek advice from those who have already achieved what you’re aiming for, and learn from their experiences.

Influence of Media, Information, and Mental Conditioning

  1. TV, Gaming, and Social Media WILL Steal Your Life

    In the moment, these might seem like escapes or ways to relax. But over time, they steal your attention and energy—two of the most valuable things you have.

  2. You Can Program Your Brain to Force you into the Right Place Mentally – Workout, Bed, etc.

    Your mind and body are deeply connected. The more you train yourself to associate certain actions—like working out or going to bed—with specific sounds and smells, the easier it becomes to switch gears when you need to. – I have a workout soundtrack, a bedtime soundtrack, a work playlist etc

  3. There are Music Frequencies that Help You Focus and Work More Efficiently

    Certain sound frequencies (Hz Ranges) can enhance your focus. Research shows that binaural beats, for example, can help with concentration and boost productivity.

  4. What You Focus on Expands

    Your attention is your most powerful tool. Whatever you focus on, whether positive or negative, will grow. Make sure you’re channeling your energy into things that serve your goals.

  5. Don’t Shrink Yourself to Make Other People Feel Comfortable About Their Situation

    You don’t have to downplay your success or accomplishments to make others feel comfortable. Stand tall and be proud of what you’ve achieved, but always with humility.

  6. Most “Education” is Based on Ridiculously Out Dated or Corrupted Information

    The majority of formal education is worthless. Principles, data, information, studies are outdated or corrupted by people with agenda’s. You will have to teach yourself and be selective about your sources. For example: 'I gave up getting certifications in the IT industry because by the time the curriculum was written and peer reviewed and approved it was outdated. The industry moves too fast. The food pyramid was the epidemy health growing up, except we now know doctors were paid off to endorse it buy the grain industry'

    A split image showing a young man looking confused and overwhelmed on one side, and an older, confident version of the same man on the other, symbolizing growth and wisdom gained over time

Relationships and Community

  1. Be Selective of Who You Spend Time With, They Will Dictate Your Future

    You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose wisely, because the right people will inspire you to level up, while the wrong ones can hold you back.

  2. Marrying Well is the Biggest Hack of All

    Choosing the right partner can elevate your entire life. A strong marriage provides stability, support, and a foundation to achieve everything you want in life.

  3. People Come into Our Lives for a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime

    Not every relationship is meant to last forever. Some people are in your life for a purpose, others for a time, and some will be there through the highs and lows. Recognize which category each person belongs to.

  4. Don’t Ever Fight to Stay Connected with a Person Who Doesn’t Fight Equally as Hard to Stay Connected to You

    Healthy relationships are reciprocal. If you’re the only one putting in effort, it’s time to reassess the relationship and invest your energy elsewhere. You’re Allowed to Cut People Out of Your Life. You don’t owe anyone your time or energy if they’re toxic or unproductive. Protect your peace and your future by cutting out negative influences.

  5. Create a Community That Makes You Better

    Surround yourself with people who push you to be better, who challenge you, and who support your growth. A great community elevates everyone involved.

Perspective and Emotional Intelligence

  1. 1 Millisecond of Anger Can Destroy 20 Years of Work

    Emotions can cloud judgment, and anger can make you act in ways you’ll regret. A single outburst can undo years of progress.

  2. If They Rag on You, They Are Jealous of Where You Are or Where You Are Going

    People who criticize you often do so out of envy or insecurity. People ahead of you won’t pull you down—they’ll uplift you. So, don’t take criticism from people who haven’t done what you’re aiming to do.

  3. A Lion Doesn’t Have to Roar to Be Recognized

    Confidence doesn’t have to be loud. True strength speaks for itself. Your actions, character, and results will speak louder than words ever could.

  4. Everyone Has a Cross to Bear – Robin Williams

    No one’s life is without struggle. We all carry our burdens, and sometimes we don’t even see the weight others are carrying. Be kind; everyone is fighting battles you can’t see.

  5. Lose Arguments on Purpose So You Can Go Along Your Day

    Not every battle is worth fighting. Sometimes, letting go of an argument is the wisest decision. Preserve your peace and focus on what really matters.

Life Philosophy and Larger Concepts

  1. NO ONE CARES – Everyone is Focused on Their Own Life, They Don’t Care About Yours

    It’s harsh but true: most people are too consumed with their own challenges to care about your struggles. That means you have the freedom to pursue your own path without worrying about judgment.

  2. Money is a Tool to Do Things That Matter, and There is a Ton of It

    Money isn’t the goal; it’s a tool to help you do what you care about. There’s plenty of it in the world—focus on using it wisely, and you’ll always have enough.

  3. Nobody Cares About Your Story Until You Win Massively

  4. People are often indifferent to your struggles until you succeed. Once you win big, your story becomes one of inspiration, and that’s when people start listening.

Discipline and Habits

  1. Make Your Bed, Do the Dishes – How You Handle Small Things Will Set the Pace for How You Do Everything Else

    The small tasks are often the hardest to master, but they set the tone for your entire day. Discipline in the little things translates to discipline in the bigger things.

  2. Get Your Ass Up – Every Notably Successful Person Starts Before 6 AM

    It’s not about being a morning person—it’s about getting up early enough to start the day with purpose. Most successful people start their days early to get a head start on the rest of the world.

These 46 Cheat Codes

These insights cover a broad range of foundational principles—from shaping your mindset and managing your time and energy, to cultivating meaningful relationships, developing valuable skills, and maintaining good health. They remind us that true success is built upon personal responsibility, focused effort, and continuous growth. By learning from those who have walked the path before us and consistently applying these lessons, we can design a life rich in purpose, fulfillment, and lasting achievement.


Ready to unlock the cheat codes for a more fulfilling life? Tune in and leverage decades of experience to fast-track your personal and professional growth. It's time to stop learning everything the hard way and start living your best life now.

For more hard-earned insights, check out the FULL uncut list of “45 Cheat Codes that I Know at 45 that I Wish I Knew at 25” that I shared on The Fallible Man Podcast by clicking this link “45 Cheat Codes!” or you can listen here.

Or you can go to out YouTube Channel and watch the video or watch it below

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